Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grad School Decision!

Today, April 15, is not only tax day, but also the deadline for me to decide where to go to Grad School for the next 5 (hopefully) years. I interviewed at and was made offers by Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania. After deep deliberation and delaying:

From Middle Cyclone

This was a very difficult decision for me because I like both programs a lot, maybe Columbia a little more. But NY is expensive and hard to live in whereas I love the life I have in Philly and being so close to friends and family. Both schools are good fits but would've required significant sacrifices either way. Living in NY would've been a great experience, however, I know that Philly is great too. Maybe in a few years I'll do a Post-doc in NY, Chicago or Boston. Ultimately I am happy with the decision I made and hope that Grad School will be pleasant, successful, and over quickly!


  1. Mike
    Congratulations, I am happy for you. Penn is lucky to have you!!

  2. I'm so glad that you made a decision that you're happy with. I know that you will do great at Penn and I'm excited that you'll be in Philly for more fun and adventures.

  3. Either place you would have done great, but I am glad we are retaining you at Penn.

